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List of books that talk about Israel and Palestine, most writers are Jewish:
- The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine: by Ilan Pappe
- Fateful Triangle: by Chomsky
- Goliath, Life and Leathing in Greater Israel: by Max Blumenthal
- The Isreale Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy
- Israel-Palestine on Record
- Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine conflict: by Norman G. Finkelstein
- A History of Modern Palestine, One Land, Two Peoples: by Ilan Pappe
- Righteous Victims: by Benny Morris
- The War for Palestine
- The Israeli Holocaust against the palestininans
- The punishment of Gaza
- Pity the Nation: Robert Fisk
- The Gun and The Olive Branch: by David Hirst
- Palestine: Peace, not Apartheid
- Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History: by Norman G. Finkelstein
- The Holocaust Industry: by Norman G. Finkkelstein
- All the Shah’s men